Sunday, March 28, 2010


I used the loft tool to make the back part of the swing and I also lofted the chain and connected them together. Also added a wood frame to hold the swing up. I made some pillows to sit on the swing and added a little bit of wrinkles in them.

I put some textured grass and sky to it and it looks a little bit awkward but I added it in so the swing wouldn't just be floating there in the scene.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Theater Room

I have got a lot of pictures for this one. This is our theater room and what it would look like if we put all of the things in this scene in the room. We would have to add the cabinets, sink, popcorn machine, fridge and poster light boxes.

The first few pictures are of the room with all the lights on. This is what the room would look like when you turn on all the lights so you can get to your seat before the movie starts.

Here is what we would add on to the room.
And here is another view of it.
Some of the poster light boxes we might of added.
More of them here with the theater seats
Some of the appliances used to watch movies.
A close up
Projection screen
Projector at the top

Now what the room would look like when you are watching a movie.
The poster light boxes are lit so you can see them.
The sconces are dim so it is not to bright while you are watching the movie.
More angles

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Using the lathe modifier I made 5 different types of trophies. I put the trophies on a cabinet with a shelf separating them in the scene. I added some lights and enclosed the cabinets with glass and a mirror in the back of the cabinets.

The two bats in the corner of the room are from my first test of trying to use the lathe modifier. I thought they were kind of cool so I threw them in with the scene. They look like they fit with the room as sports memorabilia.

As you can see from this close up, you can see the dark tinted glass I put on the sides of the cabinet and the reflection of the trophy from the mirror on the back side of the cabinet.